California Inland Region of NA

RD Update – August 2019

World Unity Day is Sunday September 1. At 10:00am Pacific Time take a moment to reflect on your recovery, our primary purpose and consider the addict that still suffers…

Then, join our worldwide fellowship in the Serenity Prayer


The RD Team presented a Regional Workshop in Morongo Basin on July 13th.It was short but well-received, and we’d like to thank Morongo Basin area for lunch and for their hospitality. We look forward to coming back.

We would like to request an 11am slot prior to the meet-and-greet in Morongo Basin at our October 6thmeeting to host another Spiritual Principle a Day writing workshop. I would be happy to make fliers if I can be provided with location information prior to our September 1stmeeting.

The Delegate Team wants to hold Workshops in your Area. We can Workshop before/after ASC, at your learning day or event, or another location and date – we need 60-90 minutes and tables for participants.

Conference Agenda Report Motion

The CAR Motion proposed by Southwest Area was approved by a 3 to 2 majority, with Greater Mojave area not participating. I spoked with Marilee to confirm the vote prior to moving forward. Voting was as follows:

Southwest Area – Yes                                           Morongo Basin Area – No
Rim of the World Area – Yes                             Mountain Area – No
Lower Desert Area – Yes

The motion from CIRNA:

To freeze development of any new English language NA literature or projects in Planning stages for 4 conference cycles (8 years). Effective at WSC 2020. 

During this 8-year time period, all available literature resources will be utilized to aid in the completion of translation of our Basic Text, White Book, and IPs into languages where Groups are still lacking translated NA literature.

Intent: To focus all of our literature resources on getting our core lifesaving literature translated into as many languages as possible.

Imagine struggling to read our lifesaving message in a language you may not read well, or at all. We are a global fellowship and it is time to redouble our efforts to make our message available globally.

Note: This motion won’t halt development of the Spiritual Principle A Day book and IPs already in progress, so many literature resources aren’t likely to be fully freed up until 2021/2022.

The motion was forwarded to the World Board on July 23 and has been acknowledged as received and forwarded to the World Board Executive Committee. I have been told the Board and NAWS staff will be in touch but have not heard anything further as of yet. It is possible that the World Board will request revisions to the motion. If this is the case, I will need direction as to how the RCMs would like me to proceed, as there will not be time to bring it back to our next Regional meeting for a decision.

WSC Participants Web Meeting

Our next web meeting will be Saturday, August 10th– 11am to 1pm

This meeting should be very interesting, as we will be discussing suggestion revisions to several items with potentially major impact on the fellowship. These items include:

  1. The Fellowship Intellectual Property Trust (FIPT)

A number of revisions, mostly dealing with inspections, who can request them, and limiting the power to force an inspection to a vote of the WSC

  • Rules for inspection of operations and records of the Trust

Potentially limiting the power to force an inspection to a vote at the WSC

  • NA Intellectual Property Bulletin #1

Especially regarding reproduction of NA literature by groups and what they can reproduce

Anyone interested in sitting in on this meeting is welcome to come by my house on August 10th.

Conference Agenda Report

I have funds budgeted to provide a photocopy of the Conference Agenda Report (CAR) to every meeting in CIRNA when the CAR is released. So that we don’t waste funds, it would be helpful to have an accurate count for the number of meetings in each Area. RCM’s, please get me a count of the meetings in your Areas.

Western States Zonal Forum

Our room is booked for the WSZF in Las Vegas, January 23rdto 26th. It should be roughly $135 per night for 3 nights. We will keep you updated as the WSZF gets closer.

Spiritual Principle a Day Book Project

  • The first 4 topics from the Spiritual Principle a Day Project are out for fellowship review / input through September 1at  There are roughly 48 pages of material for review.
  • Participate in writing content for the Spiritual Principle a Day book at

Budget and Expenses

I am submitting a receipt for$40.62 for copies for the Morongo Basin Regional Workshop. To date, I have spent $757.72 of my $1492.38 Budget for 2019.

RD Calendar – Upcoming Dates

  • November 26 – CAR Available
  • December 1 – Sponsorship Day
  • January 23-26, 2020 – WSZF in Las Vegas
  • January 26, 2020 – CAT Available
  • April 26 – May 2, 2020 – World Service Conference


Feel free to contact me, Mike C., at or by phone at 760-641-0705