California Inland Region of NA

RD Update – September 2019

The RD Team will host a Spiritual Principle a Day writing workshop at 11am on Sunday, October 6 prior to our next CIRNA Regional meeting. This will most likely be our last SPAD writing workshop for 2019.

CIRNA’s Conference Agenda Report Motion

As anticipated, the World Board came back with some revision to our motion. We have been assigned to work with Tali from Hawaii, and she and Becky from NAWS were helpful in getting the motion formatted as required for the CAR. Working with the vote of confidence the RCMs gave me at our August meeting, I did my best to keep the original motion as intact as possible while making adjustments that might have excluded the motion from being allowed in the CAR. Changes made to the motion were for the following reasons:

  1. All CAR motions need to be formatted as (a) Motion (b) Intent (c) Rationale
    With the Motion being a succinct statement that groups can vote Yes or No on, the Intent speaking to what we wish to accomplish and Rational speaking to why.
  2. They suggested that we specify that the motion take effect after WSC 2020.
  3. Regarding the motion directing that “all available literature resources be utilized” I was informed that “You cannot direct how staff is used – both by policy and practically – in a motion. It is not the same skills or work or people and is one of many reasons GWSNA and the FIPT leaves these decisions to NAWS. And staff does not translate recovery literature – local communities do. What NAWS staff does is assist the local translation committee efforts, work with contractors, typeset, proof, and produce materials.”
  4. Finally, I was asked to specify what English language literature would be covered under the moratorium. Tali suggested changing it to “Fellowship Approved English language literature”, which I said was confusing, since it’s not approved until it’s written, and we compromised at “English language recovery literature”. My sense is that was meant to allow the World Board to continue to publish bulletins during the 8 year timeframe of the motion.

CIRNA’s Motion:

To place an 8-year moratorium on the creation of new English language recovery literature after WSC 2020 to WSC 2028, excluding any literature projects already in development.


To allow time and potentially free up resources for foreign language literature translation and production.


A moratorium would allow international NA communities time to complete translations of our basic text and other lifesaving literature and hopefully allow the funds typically used for English language literature development to be redirected toward supporting international translation efforts.

Imagine struggling to read our lifesaving message in a language you may not read well, or at all. We are a global fellowship and it is time to redouble our efforts to make our message available globally.

The motion as revised was accepted by Tali on August 28 and should be published in the CAR in November.


Now is the time to start scheduling time for CAR (Conference Agenda Report) workshops in your area. The CAR comes out November 26th and I am hoping to start presenting workshops in December. Please allow at least 2 hours for the CAR workshop.

The Delegate Team still wants to hold Workshops in your Area – we need 60-90 minutes and tables for participants if we are hosting a writing workshop.

WSC Participants Web Meeting

Our last meeting was Saturday, August 10th – 11am to 1pm.
Next meeting is December 7th.

As I stated previously, this meeting covered topics regarding changes to the Fellowship Intellectual Property Trust (FIPT), Rules for Inspection of operations and records of the Trust, and Intellectual Property Bulletin #1, regarding reproduction of book-length NA literature by groups.

There were 118 participants in the web meeting at one point, and all of the actual discussion was in breakout groups. My group had 15 participants, at least half of who were newer RDs or didn’t know enough about the FIPT or proposed revisions to engage in the discussion. I spoke several times and discussed “misgivings” about the suggested changes, the need for continuing transparency, and potential impact on fellowship “unity”. I also suggested that as far as I understand my region, our request would be to make no changes at all.

The World Board will be discussing the feedback they received from the meeting at their October business meeting and potentially be making recommendations in the CAR.

Spiritual Principle a Day Book Project

  • Feedback is due today on the first round of SPAD materials. 3 more batches of review are planned before 2022.
  • Participate in writing content for the Spiritual Principle a Day book at

Budget and Expenses

I am submitting a receipt for $7.35 for mailing SPAD workshop submission for July and August to NAWS. To date, I have spent $765.07 of my $1492.38 Budget for 2019.

RD Calendar – Upcoming Dates

  • November 26 – CAR Available
  • December 1 – Sponsorship Day
  • December 7 – WSC Participant Web Meeting
  • January 23-26, 2020 – WSZF in Las Vegas
  • January 26, 2020 – CAT Available
  • April 26 – May 2, 2020 – World Service Conference


Feel free to contact me, Mike C., at or by phone at 760-641-0705