California Inland Region of NA

Regional Delegate Updates

Information, reports and announcements from the CIRNA Regional Delegate team.

RD Update – June 2023

World Service Conference (WSC)

A list of the motions and how we voted on behalf of CIRNA is included at the end of this report. 

Some of the big take-aways from the 2023 WSC:

  • Regional Reports show 71,815 weekly meetings worldwide, but does not include virtual meetings that may not be associated with an Area or Region. (Roughly 4,500 meetings down from the 2020 CAR.)
  • All 12 World Board motions were passed. Only 3 of the 13 Regional motions passed.
  • The WSC will be on a 3-year cycle for 2 cycles, until 2029, when it returns to 2-years unless changed.
  • All of the Fellowship Intellectual Property Trust (FIPT) motions from the World Board were passed.
  • Virtual meetings are now recognized at the world level as NA groups.
  • The process by which we create new literature is broken. Regional Motions and the Literature Survey, both try to establish what literature development to prioritize. The literature survey is only taken by a small fraction of the fellowship, and Regional motions are often too focused on the needs or desires of a local portion of the fellowship, rather than NA worldwide.
  • Just because the World Board is tasked with creating a project plan for a piece of literature, doesn’t mean that the project will actually be prioritized at the next conference. This means that any projects not prioritized are added to all the other projects from previous cycles that weren’t prioritized – in other words, the projects basically die from lack of support.
  • We need a means to discuss, flesh out, and vet Regional motions prior to their submission to the CAR. With more discussion between Regions, the ability to amend motions to include input from other Regions prior to the WSC, and the increased understanding that comes from these discussions, Regional motions might be more effective.

Thank You CIRNA!

Thank you to the groups of CIRNA for the opportunity to serve as your Regional Delegate for the last 4 ½ years. It has been an amazing experience and has certainly opened my eyes to how things are done at the world level. Along the way I have made new friends, learned much, and, in some cases, found myself to be much more powerless than I had hoped.

There are things in the service structure at the WSC and world level that I have come to believe are broken – or at least less than effective – and may be beyond our ability to repair them. The process of change is complicated by the infrequency of WSC meetings, the complexity of the CAR, and the challenge of keeping the fellowship engaged in the discussion year-to-year. Maybe it is simply a matter of time and faith? Maybe most addicts don’t care if it doesn’t affect their home group?

The good news is that our fellowship is alive and strong. Don’t miss the opportunity to attend a day – or a few – of the next WSC in 2026. There are many dedicated members involved, and it was truly an experience that I have struggled to capture in words. How do you describe something that is as full of wonder and joy as a Christmas morning, and a grueling marathon of business meetings at the same time?

I spoke with a member from Namibia, where they have two meetings in the entire country – a country approximately 30 times the size of our region. (CIRNA covers roughly 10,500 sq/mi while Namibia covers roughly 318,000 sq/mi.)

We heard how the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has forced the Ukrainian fellowship to rush their translation process, as Russian language literature, which was widely spoken and used prior to the conflict, is now highly frowned upon in Ukraine.

We listened with tears in our eyes as the Serenity Prayer was recited in at least 34 languages representing the languages spoken by the countries and peoples present at the conference.

Although we are a global fellowship, I was reminded that there is more work to do at home than ever. There was talk of stagnant growth in the US and apathy in service. While our primary purpose remains unchanged, some of the challenges we face today may require solutions that move us outside of our comfort zones.

I encourage you to fill both the Delegate and Alternate Delegate positions as soon as possible and ensure that the servants in those positions understand the weight and responsibility of the conscience they carry on behalf of CIRNA. It is very important for the servants in these roles to understand that CIRNA is investing time and money in their training so that they will be prepared to represent our region at the WSZF and the WSC. It is especially important for the AD to understand the need to move into the RD position.

As your Delegate, I hope that I have represented CIRNA with integrity, I hope that I have kept my opinions to myself – unless asked – and I hope that I have given our groups a voice at the WSC and WSZF that accurately represents their conscience.

In gratitude for this opportunity,

Mike C.

RD Update – April 2023

Conference Agenda Report and Conference Agenda Track

Conference Agenda Report (CAR) HandoutVideoOnline voting for the CAR and more.

All votes must be turned in to the RD Team by April 15. Emailed the vote sheet to, or vote online at

At the writing of this report we have received 5 online votes, 3 from GMA, 1 from MBA, and 1 from SWA.
Unless otherwise directed, we will tally the votes by Area and then calculate CIRNA’s vote.

RD Update – January 2023

What’s Happening at World

The Conference Agenda Report (CAR) and more information about it is available at

The CAR is a compilation of motions that have been brought before Narcotics Anonymous at the world level. Just as we have motions and business meetings at group, area, and regional levels we also have them at the world level. They are voted on at the World Service Conference (WSC) once every two years by delegates from regions and zones around the world. The CAR is made in preparation for the World Service Conference (WSC).

Motions can be made by Regions or the World Board. Motions made by regions often involve issues important to the region, while World Board motions concern the worldwide fellowship as a whole. These motions affect NA as a whole and impact NA members all around the world.

There are 25 motions in this year’s CAR.

Please announce the February 18th Regional Assembly and CAR Review

This will be the only workshop on the CAR presented this cycle and with 25 motions to review, we have less than 9 minutes per motion. I will record the presentation and post a link on the regional web site, but this is our best opportunity to inform the fellowship regarding this year’s business.

RD Update – November 2022

I will not be at the December RSC meeting and will see you in January of 2023.

What’s Happening at World

The CAR is due to be released by November 30 and will be available at

December 14 – 6:30pm to 9pm – Initial CAR Review and Discussion on Zoom – Open to everyone

I will host an initial review of the CAR motions with discussion. This will be an opportunity to ask questions that can be forwarded to the World Board if we don’t know the answers.

Meeting ID: 841 1808 2385    Password: 1953

WSC. I have registered as RD for the World Service Conference from April 29 to May 7, 2023. Rooms are $91.94/night per person, and, in the absence of an AD, I requested a roommate be assigned (rather than be responsible for the full $183.88/night if we don’t elect an AD). I did note that we are actively seeking an AD and can still request to be assigned together if an AD is elected soon. Based on CIRNA’s vote in September, I indicated that we would be funding both RD and AD if one attends.

CIRNA’s CAR Motion. I contacted our World Board (WB) member and had some extensive discussion regarding the placement of our motion in the CAR. I requested that, at the least, our motion be placed before motions to create new literature. Ultimately, we will see when the CAR is released at the end of the month.

CAR Motion Discussion – If you’re interested in a preview of the motions coming up in the 2023 CAR, you can visit   There will be at least 11-12 motions from the World Board this cycle.

RD Update – October 2022

What’s Happening at World

Spiritual Principle a Day Book – The book is out and orders are being delivered from NAWS. You can subscribe to receive daily entries for SPAD or JFT at

Another non-binding ePoll was taken this month. Our vote is recorded below.

  1. The World Board intends to offer a motion in the 2023 to revise the Operational Rules of the FIPT, including the inspection clause. This motion is an updated version of the motion in the 2020 CAR. What percentage should be required to make that decision?
[  ] 2/3s as with all other WSC decisions    [  ] A simple majority – 50% plus one
[  ] 1/3rd              [ x ] (write-in) 3 Regions

Delegates funding for WSC 2023 – This body voted in September to fund both the RD and AD for 2023.

CAR Motion Discussion – If you’re interested in a preview of the motions coming up in the 2023 CAR, you can visit   There will be at least 11-12 motions from the World Board this cycle.

RD Update – September 2022

What’s Happening at World

World Unity Day – I’m including this since I’m sending my report out early.
Saturday, September 3 is World Unity Day. 10:00am in California.
It is suggested that you take a moment of silence and then say the Serenity Prayer at 10am Saturday.

World Convention – WCNA 39 will be in Washington DC, August 29 to September 1, 2024 – Site is confirmed

A non-binding ePoll was taken after the last Conference Participant Web Meeting

  1. Should the World Board offer a motion in the 2023 CAR to revise A Vision for NA Service to be more inclusive to all members: specifically, changing the phrase “his or her own language and culture” to the phrase “their own language and culture.” If that change were made, the first bullet point of the vision would read “every addict in the world has a chance to experience our message in their own language and culture.’
    Voted NO. There are regions working on broader motions.
  2. The World Board intends to offer a motion in the 2023 to revise the Operational Rules of the FIPT, including the inspection clause. This motion is an updated version of the motion in the 2020 CAR. WSC 2018 had consensus support that an inspection of the trustee activities should be a decision made by the WSC and not just one region. What percentage should be required to make that decision?
    ABSTAINED. (There wasn’t a NO option. Contacted the WB and requested that they add a NO option and an option for requiring 3 regions to make the request. Told they were unable to modify.)
  3. If we upgraded to a different platform, would you use a CP Discussion Board provided by NA World Services?
    Voted NO. There are plenty of communication channels available and in use. No need to spend money and resources on another discussion forum.

The Loner IP is up for revision. A survey may be available at but it will close soon.

Spiritual Principle a Day Book (SPAD) is expected to be available by the end of the year, but NAWS is experiencing shipping delays on literature.

Funding for Delegates for WSC 2023 will still be available, but they are putting a little more emphasis on asking Regions to fund their Delegates if they are able. In the past, CIRNA has let World fund the Delegate and paid for Alternate to attend. Does this body have any direction for me?

RD Update – August 2022

Don’t Wait. An AD is needed NOW!

This is my last term and I will be absent from the December meeting. I hope the information above makes it clear how important it is to have an Alternate Delegate (AD) in place to start mentoring and making plans for the upcoming WSC year. There will be lots of work to do in a short amount of time.

Beyond electing a new AD immediately, I encourage this body to start planning for the upcoming conference cycle. One thing is almost certain, there will be a lot of information to process and distribute to the fellowship.

RD Update – June 2022

CIRNA Needs a Dedicated Alternate Delegate

We need an Alternate Delegate (AD). This is my 4th year as Delegate – wrapping up my second term. I want to mentor and do what I can to train someone for this position, but it takes time. AD is a position meant to be held for 2-4 years so the Alternate can step into the Delegate position and be ready to go.

One of the biggest challenges of this commitment for me was not having the time to train and learn with the previous Delegate. We have what may be a massive CAR and WSC coming up in 2023, and it is imperative that we have a Delegate Team (Delegate + AD) who can understand and workshop these motions with our Areas and carry the votes of our groups.

CIRNA’s 2023 CAR Motion

Based on previous direction from this body, our CAR motion was confirmed for inclusion in the 2023 CAR:

Motion: To place an 8 year moratorium on the creation of new recovery literature after WSC 2022, excluding all translations or literature projects currently in development.

Intent: To suspend the creation of new literature for an 8 year period and free up NA resources to better focus on carrying the message rather than continual literature development.

Rationale: A moratorium would give our fellowship an opportunity to work more fully with the literature we currently have published and allow international NA communities time to complete translations. 

NA has a greater body of literature available than ever before. While this has some advantages, the abundance of literature can also create confusion for newcomers.

Our fellowship needs time to work with and fully appreciate our current literature.

RD Update – May 2022

World Service Conference

I received a total of 5 tally sheets by April 17. Thank you to everyone who participated. I will be in the air, flying back from Atlanta and will miss the meeting. I will see you all in June. Here are my notes from the WSC.

Session 1 – Friday Morning

Anthony, Director of NAWS gave financial report

  • Wants to explain the unfortunate reality we are confronted with
  • Since time the budget was drafted – cost of almost everything has changed
  • Decided NAWS must raise prices, but not until beginning of 2023
  • Keep prices same of materials give away most frequently, chips and Ips
  • There will be 12% increase on books and bronze medallions
  • 2021 annual report at

Report from World Board Chair

  • 60th anniversary white book will be available very soon
  • Will be bigger than JFT – about 6 months from approval barring supply chain issues
  • Draft of virtual meeting basics is posted for 90 day delegate review at
  • Loner IP survey at about revision to IP until end of August
  • DRT/MAT survey will be posted next month in furtherance of IP voted on in 2020

Session 2 – Friday Afternoon


123 regions voting (of 136 possible) / 6 zones / 13 WB members (142 possible votes)

  • Motion 6: adopt WSC 2022 proposed Rules – voted Yes – passed
  • Motion 2: extended terms for HRP and facilitators – voted Yes – passed
  • Motion 3: extended WB terms – voted Yes – passed
  • Motion 4: Spiritual Principle a Day Book – voted Yes – passed
  • Motion 1: FIPT Inspection Moratorium – (business slowed to a crawl over a procedural issue)

Session 3 – Saturday Morning

  • Motion 1 – voted Yes – passed
  • Motion 5: budget – voted Yes – passed
  • Motions Closed
  • Discussion and poll about YouTube stream of 2023 WSC live
  • Discussion about better working relationship between WB and regions

I will have limited attendance at the next 2 Sessions for April 29-30. These will focus on discussion of WSC of the Future and an additional topic decided by the delegates. I lodged a complaint with the World Board that this WSC was voted to be only essential business, and that these discussions, while important, were not what we agreed to.

RD Update – April 2022

World Service Conference & World

The Virtual Interim WSC will be Friday-Saturday two weekends in a row, April 22-23 and April 29-30

My ability to participate on the weekend of the 29th and 30th may be limited as I will be in Georgia. I had previously arranged to have Carl attend as RD for this weekend as an opportunity for him to participate more fully, but that may not be an option. I trust that more will be revealed.

Thank you to anyone who attended the CAR workshop this morning. I hope it was helpful.

I will continue to accept CAR votes through the 17th of April, but need direction from this body as to how they would like me to represent CIRNA’s votes at the WSC.