I will not be at the December RSC meeting and will see you in January of 2023.
What’s Happening at World
The CAR is due to be released by November 30 and will be available at www.na.org/conference
December 14 – 6:30pm to 9pm – Initial CAR Review and Discussion on Zoom – Open to everyone
I will host an initial review of the CAR motions with discussion. This will be an opportunity to ask questions that can be forwarded to the World Board if we don’t know the answers.
Meeting ID: 841 1808 2385 Password: 1953
WSC. I have registered as RD for the World Service Conference from April 29 to May 7, 2023. Rooms are $91.94/night per person, and, in the absence of an AD, I requested a roommate be assigned (rather than be responsible for the full $183.88/night if we don’t elect an AD). I did note that we are actively seeking an AD and can still request to be assigned together if an AD is elected soon. Based on CIRNA’s vote in September, I indicated that we would be funding both RD and AD if one attends.
CIRNA’s CAR Motion. I contacted our World Board (WB) member and had some extensive discussion regarding the placement of our motion in the CAR. I requested that, at the least, our motion be placed before motions to create new literature. Ultimately, we will see when the CAR is released at the end of the month.
CAR Motion Discussion – If you’re interested in a preview of the motions coming up in the 2023 CAR, you can visit www.na-car-guide.com There will be at least 11-12 motions from the World Board this cycle.
Western States Zonal Forum (WSZF)
I attended the quarterly WSZF meeting via Zoom from Hawaii. H&I task group concluded its work. IT Workgroup is ready to assist with setting up YAP.
Budget and Expenses
So far this year I have spent $1791.47 of my 2022 budget of $2301.92.
RD Calendar – Upcoming Dates
- CP Web Meetings – 11am –Dec. 10
- 2023 CAR Available – Nov. 30
- WSZF 2023 – January 19-22
- Regional Reports due for WSC – Feb. 1
- WSC 2023 – April 30 to May 6
Please announce that we need an AD. This is a great time to learn and attend the WSZF and WSC in 2023.
Feel free to contact me, Mike C., at delegate@cirna.org