Conference Participant Meeting
Send input on any or all of the entries by May 31, 2021. Next batch will be out for review June-September.
Recurring fellowship contributions to NAWS are rising. Over $20K/month in February. NAWS average budget is $5.5 Million for providing services. Goal is to reach 70% donation-driven.
World Service Conference 2022 In-Person is uncertain to unlikely. Accepting suggestions.
World Board has not been able to complete all assigned tasks: Loner IP, Issue Discussion Topics, Project Plan for Women’s IP. WB already has a full plate for the next conference cycle.
No new information on World Convention in Australia for 2022. 2023 is still confirmed for Washington DC in 2023.
Small group discussion focused on finding out where NA is at right now. What is going on with our Groups and Service Bodies / How do we get a pulse of the fellowship and its current service systems?
Western States Zonal Forum
Thank you to the IT Workgroup for presenting to us today. I hope we can discuss in Innovations & Challenges.
Our quarterly meeting was held on Saturday, April 24th from 9am to roughly 3pm.
Morning session focused on finishing discussion of 3-4 primary topics from our last session:
- Virtual fund flow – best practices and/or suggestions
- Restarting H&I and PR / PI panels
- Increasing awareness of our zone and understanding of capabilities (and collaborating within the zone)
It was agreed that small workgroups would be created to further discussion of these topics and suggestions for how the zone can support these efforts.
Afternoon discussion included old/new business and scheduling for our next quarterly meeting, July 24th.
At least some regions are planning conventions for later in 2021 or 2022. I included flyers with my report.
CAR 2022
What do we want to do about revising our CAR motion for the 2022 CAR? (Due by July)
Budget and Expenses
I had no expenses this month and have spent $0 of my $715 budget for 2021.
Feel free to contact me, Mike C., at