California Inland Region of NA

RD Update – September 2022

What’s Happening at World

World Unity Day – I’m including this since I’m sending my report out early.
Saturday, September 3 is World Unity Day. 10:00am in California.
It is suggested that you take a moment of silence and then say the Serenity Prayer at 10am Saturday.

World Convention – WCNA 39 will be in Washington DC, August 29 to September 1, 2024 – Site is confirmed

A non-binding ePoll was taken after the last Conference Participant Web Meeting

  1. Should the World Board offer a motion in the 2023 CAR to revise A Vision for NA Service to be more inclusive to all members: specifically, changing the phrase “his or her own language and culture” to the phrase “their own language and culture.” If that change were made, the first bullet point of the vision would read “every addict in the world has a chance to experience our message in their own language and culture.’
    Voted NO. There are regions working on broader motions.
  2. The World Board intends to offer a motion in the 2023 to revise the Operational Rules of the FIPT, including the inspection clause. This motion is an updated version of the motion in the 2020 CAR. WSC 2018 had consensus support that an inspection of the trustee activities should be a decision made by the WSC and not just one region. What percentage should be required to make that decision?
    ABSTAINED. (There wasn’t a NO option. Contacted the WB and requested that they add a NO option and an option for requiring 3 regions to make the request. Told they were unable to modify.)
  3. If we upgraded to a different platform, would you use a CP Discussion Board provided by NA World Services?
    Voted NO. There are plenty of communication channels available and in use. No need to spend money and resources on another discussion forum.

The Loner IP is up for revision. A survey may be available at but it will close soon.

Spiritual Principle a Day Book (SPAD) is expected to be available by the end of the year, but NAWS is experiencing shipping delays on literature.

Funding for Delegates for WSC 2023 will still be available, but they are putting a little more emphasis on asking Regions to fund their Delegates if they are able. In the past, CIRNA has let World fund the Delegate and paid for Alternate to attend. Does this body have any direction for me?

Western States Zonal Forum (WSZF)

Our next WSZF meeting will be hybrid, in conjunction with WSLD in October.

A task-based workgroup in working on a Guide to EIN for use by the fellowship.

Budget and Expenses

I have booked a room for WSZF in Portland in January. I would like to purchase airfare and am requesting a check for $398. The money is available in my 2022 budget.

WSZF Airfare on Alaska Airlines – $149each way + $100 refundable = $398.00


WSZF Room – Thursday to Sunday – $423

Estimated Per Delegate Cost:
Per Diem – $50/day x 4 = $200
Fellowship Event(s) – $75
TOTAL: $275 ea

So far this year I have spent $1393.47 of my 2022 budget of $2301.92.

RD Calendar – Upcoming Dates

  • Conference Participants Web Meetings
    11am – Oct. 22, Dec. 10
  • WSZF Quarterly Mtg. (hybrid) – Nov
  • HRP Nominations Deadline – Sept. 30
  • 2023 CAR Available – Nov. 30
  • WSZF 2023 – January 19-22
  • Regional Reports due for WSC – Feb. 1
  • WSC 2023 – April 30 to May 6


Please announce that we need an AD. This is a great time to learn and attend the WSZF and WSC in 2023.


Feel free to contact me, Mike C., at