CIRNA Needs a Dedicated Alternate Delegate
We need an Alternate Delegate (AD). This is my 4th year as Delegate – wrapping up my second term. I want to mentor and do what I can to train someone for this position, but it takes time. AD is a position meant to be held for 2-4 years so the Alternate can step into the Delegate position and be ready to go.
One of the biggest challenges of this commitment for me was not having the time to train and learn with the previous Delegate. We have what may be a massive CAR and WSC coming up in 2023, and it is imperative that we have a Delegate Team (Delegate + AD) who can understand and workshop these motions with our Areas and carry the votes of our groups.
CIRNA’s 2023 CAR Motion
Based on previous direction from this body, our CAR motion was confirmed for inclusion in the 2023 CAR:
Motion: To place an 8 year moratorium on the creation of new recovery literature after WSC 2022, excluding all translations or literature projects currently in development.
Intent: To suspend the creation of new literature for an 8 year period and free up NA resources to better focus on carrying the message rather than continual literature development.
Rationale: A moratorium would give our fellowship an opportunity to work more fully with the literature we currently have published and allow international NA communities time to complete translations.
NA has a greater body of literature available than ever before. While this has some advantages, the abundance of literature can also create confusion for newcomers.
Our fellowship needs time to work with and fully appreciate our current literature.
Of Interest
- NAWS Webinar, July 9th, 11am – 12:30pm – New Ideas for Fellowship Development
Zoom ID: 876 6065 2792 – PW: 1953 - The WSZF Behind the Walls task-group wants to help regions get started with Behind the Walls.
They are ready and willing to help get Behind the Walls started in any Region or Area who wants help.
Budget and Expenses
So far this year we have spent $1393.47 of our 2022 budget of $2301.92.
RD Calendar – Upcoming Dates
- Conference Participants Web Meetings
11am – June 18, Aug. 20, Oct. 22, Dec. 10 - WSZF Quarterly Mtg. (virtual) – July, Nov
- Car Motions Due – Aug. 1
- World Unity Day – Sept. 3
Moment of silence and Serenity Prayer @ 10am - HRP Nominations Deadline – Sept. 30
- 2023 CAR Available – Nov. 30
- WSZF 2023 – End of January
- Regional Reports due for WSC – Feb. 1
- WSC 2023 – April 30 to May 6
Feel free to contact me, Mike C., at