California Inland Region of NA

Regional Delegate Updates

Information, reports and announcements from the CIRNA Regional Delegate team.

RD Update – March 2022

I will be asking what vote, if any, CIRNA wants us to carry at WSC at our April 3rd meeting. 

World Service Conference & World

  1. The CAR/CAT/SPAD is available for review at “tape-bound” SPAD will be available for purchase from NAWS for $10.
  2. How to Attract Members to Service Webinar – March 19, 11am – Zoom ID 826 9114 3020    PW: 1953
  3. The Virtual Interim WSC will be Friday-Saturday two weekends in a row, April 22-23 and April 29-30

RD Update February 2022


  1. The CAR/CAT/SPAD is available for review at “tape-bound” SPAD will be available for purchase from NAWS for $10.
  2. If the RCMs would like us to workshop the CAR motions, virtually, or in person, you need to let us know what you want. Otherwise, we’ll be looking for your groups’ votes at the April RSC.
  3. The Virtual Interim WSC will be Friday-Saturday two weekends in a row, April 22-23 and April 29-30


The Zonal Forum was held in Phoenix from Jan 27-30th. I have attached a copy of our report to the WSZF.

I am including some of my notes for information that I feel is most pertinent. Hopefully between myself and Carl we will capture the major highlights.

2023 Conference Agenda Report (CAR)


Weren’t able to make the CAR Workshop? Watch videos of the workshop and download the Handout below.


The CAR is a compilation of motions that have been brought before Narcotics Anonymous at the world level. Just as we have motions and business meetings at group, area, and regional levels we also have them at the world level. They are voted on at the World Service Conference (WSC) once every two years by delegates from regions and zones around the world. The CAR is made in preparation for the World Service Conference (WSC).

Motions can be made by Regions or the World Board. Motions made by regions often involve issues important to the region, while World Board motions concern the worldwide fellowship as a whole. These motions affect NA as a whole and impact NA members all around the world.


The CAT is a compilation of motions which have been separated from the CAR as they were considered to be items that were not of as much interest to many groups. These motions include the NAWS budget, seating of regions at the WSC, and more.

RD Update – November 2021


  1. The CAR/CAT/SPAD is slated to be available for review November 24th. A “tape-bound” SPAD will be available for purchase from NAWS for $10.
  2. Sponsorship Day is December 1st. There will be a NAWS Sponsorship webinar with “Inspiring Stories from Around the World” on Zoom on Dec,  4th – 11am  –  Meeting ID: 816 9027 7423  Password: 1953
  3. Next CP web meeting is December 18, 11am-1pm.
  4. Carl will let us know about the October CP Web Meeting.

RD Update – October 2021


  1. October Naws News is available. I emailed a copy with my report or available online at
  2. A workgroup has been created by some RDs and ADs to discuss possibilities for the WSC moving forward, outside of the guidance / direction of the World Board.
  3. Hard bound Basic Texts are out of stock at NAWS until mid-October.
  4. Next CP web meeting is October 9, 11am-1pm – focus will be local service toolbox efforts for virtual meetings
  5. CAR/CAT/SPAD for 2022 will be posted by November 24. Will include budget and other items voted on last month including the draft SPAD for approval. A tape-bound SPAD will be available for $10.
  6. Sponsorship Day is December 1st.

RD Update – August 2021

Conference Participant Web Meeting and WSZF Quarterly

We had the CP web meeting to discuss the WSC last Saturday and then our quarterly Western States Zonal Forum meeting on Sunday, and I just didn’t have time to put together a full report.

I know Carl was excited about the CP meeting, and I’m looking forward to hearing his experience.

I have lots of notes from the WSZF meeting, and will provide a full report next month.

CAR 2022 Motion

Our revised CAR motion was submitted to the World Board and they confirmed receipt. I have had no further communication or push-back.

RD Update – July 2021

News from World Board and NAWS

Little White Book 60th Anniversary Edition

The World Board is proposing publication of a Little White Book 60th Anniversary Edition which includes the currently English language version plus the 85 personal stories (assuming in English) from the other translated versions of the LWB. Because this is not new literature, it does not require fellowship approval, but there is a 60 day period for feedback, so if you have strong feelings or question about this project, please email

Spiritual Principle a Day Book (SPAD)

All material for the book is posted for review at and input is due by September 13th.

Virtual Meeting Toolbox

Ongoing work on the toolbox / best practices for virtual meetings continues to be shared at

RD Update – June 2021

News from World Board and NAWS

Updated financials have been shared for June. These numbers show “that we are just meeting current expenses and projects a net income of $26,294 for the year.” I have attached these financials to my email.

Spiritual Principle a Day Book (SPAD)

The final round of review material before the book is prepared (hopefully) for the 2022 CAR will be posted 
mid-June at

Virtual Meeting Toolbox

Ongoing work on the toolbox / best practices for virtual meetings continues to be shared at

RD Update – May 2021

Conference Participant Meeting

Send input on any or all of the entries by May 31, 2021. Next batch will be out for review June-September.

Recurring fellowship contributions to NAWS are rising. Over $20K/month in February. NAWS average budget is $5.5 Million for providing services. Goal is to reach 70% donation-driven.

World Service Conference 2022 In-Person is uncertain to unlikely. Accepting suggestions.

World Board has not been able to complete all assigned tasks: Loner IP, Issue Discussion Topics, Project Plan for Women’s IP. WB already has a full plate for the next conference cycle.

No new information on World Convention in Australia for 2022. 2023 is still confirmed for Washington DC in 2023.

Small group discussion focused on finding out where NA is at right now. What is going on with our Groups and Service Bodies / How do we get a pulse of the fellowship and its current service systems?